NDIS accredited and Blue Card Holder.

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Tarot Readings

Super grateful to have found such an amazing tarot reader.

—Krystal L.

I thought I would let you know that your predictions have come true. Firstly you said that I would see an advertisement for a job and you were getting ‘c’ and a name like ‘Condale’. Well the company is called ‘Centacare’ and it is in Cornmeal Drive. Then you said a job I applied for previously would come back. Well, a job I really wanted but missed out on contacted me again and this time I got it!

—Marsha B.

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Email Reading (one question)

Email Reading (one question)

Email Reading (one question)

Perfect for those who only want one question answered, or are on a limited budget, an email reading with Joy.Book your reading here and then send your question (one only per reading) plus your star sign and the star sign of anyone else involved, to joyaimee@gmail.com, or SMS to 0417 821 260. Joy wil..


General Tarot Reading - 30 minutes

General Tarot Reading - 30 minutes

General Tarot Reading - 30 minutes

Joy Aimée is a gifted psychic, healer and tarot card reader with over 30 years’ experience.  Now based in Montville, Queensland, with regular visits to Sydney, Joy offers private tarot card readings face-to-face, by phone or Skype and online. A consummate professional, Joy is a very expe..


General Tarot Reading - 60 minutes

General Tarot Reading - 60 minutes

General Tarot Reading - 60 minutes

Joy Aimée is a gifted psychic, healer and tarot card reader with over 30 years’ experience.  Now based in Montville, Queensland, with regular visits to Sydney, Joy offers private tarot card readings face-to-face, by phone or Skype and online. A consummate professional, Joy is a very expe..


Love Reading for Couples - 45 ...

Love Reading for Couples - 45 minutes

Love Reading for Couples - 45 minutes

What's ahead in love for you and your beloved? This reading will help you explore the strengths and challenges ahead, as well as such questions as "Will we have children?" "Where will we live?" "How can we strengthen and grow our connection?"..


Love Reading for Singles - 45 ...

Love Reading for Singles - 45 minutes

Love Reading for Singles - 45 minutes

Want to know about your love prospects? This forty-five minute reading with Joy offers unique insight into your intimate relationships, either current or future...


Me and My Pet Reading - ...

Me and My Pet Reading - 30 minutes

Me and My Pet Reading - 30 minutes

Why is your pet in your life? Are you connected by past lives? Are you soul mates? Is your pet protecting you from illness? These unique readings with Joy offer deeper insight into your relationship with the animals you love. A photo of your pet, preferably with you, and your animal's birthday/star ..


Me and My Pet Reading - ...

Me and My Pet Reading - 60 minutes

Me and My Pet Reading - 60 minutes

Why is your pet in your life? Are you connected by past lives? Are you soul mates? Is your pet protecting you from illness? These unique readings with Joy offer deeper insight into your relationship with the animals you love. A photo of your pet, preferably with you, and your animal's birthd..


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