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About Joy's Channeling

What is Channeling?

“Channeling” is when Spirit speaks through a human being, using that person’s voice. Since I was a child, I have spoken to Spirit, mainly the Ascended Master known as Christ, whom I call Sananda. I “heard” Spirit speak through my mind and in visions.

Channeling for Healing

I began channeling through my healing work. Originally I offered energetic healings that involved me placing my hands on the client’s shoulders, or a foot or so out from their body as I worked on their auric field.

In 2018 Spirit directed me to offer the healings as meditations, which is how I work presently. The meditations often take the client back to a relevant situation in a past life/s that need to be released in this lifetime. During these healing meditations I invite whichever Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters would like to be present, to come forth. In these sacred spaces, the channeled messages required to support the client’s healing, are spoken through me. Very rarely do I touch the client during these healings, although sometimes I am directed to allow energies that are no longer benefitting the person being healed to flow into my hands from the client’s feet. At the end of the session I wash my hands.

Personal Channeled Sessions

Often people come to me for a personal session so they can connect more closely with their own Spirit Guides and ancestors – their “Spirit Team”. In this sacred space we invite those energies from the Light who wish to be present to make themselves known. If the client is wrestling with an issue in their lives that needs resolving, we can also request Guidance through the Voice of Spirit.

Pet Channeled Sessions

Some years ago, when I was living In Sydney, I was extremely surprised to realise that a Friend’s dog was communicating some very important information to me. That beautiful animal continued to communicate with me until the situation was resolved the way she told me it would. Since then I have experienced similar communications with both cats and dogs. If you would like to know what your pet is wanting to communicate with you, I need a photo and the name and star sign (if known) of your animal.

Energies I work with in Channeled Sessions

  • Christ, known to me as Sananda
    When incarnated on planet Earth, He was known as Jesus the Nazarene. This energy is pure Love and is often present with Divine Mother but seldom speaks.

  • Adama (Adam, the First Man) - Adama is a Pleiadian who came to Earth when Man was given Consciousness. He has stayed to help the transition to Enlightenment. Adama’s energy is everywhere but he “resides” in the underground city of Telos, beneath Mount Shasta. Adama often speaks in channeled sessions and I love his powerful but gentle presence.

  • Archangel Michael
    Michael is the protective, warrior energy that gives us strength to withstand life’s challenges. His energy cuts through procrastination and self-doubt and brings us back to knowledge of our true Divine Nature. Michael can be fiercely assertive when required, no wonder he is the Guardian Angel of the Police! Michael often speaks in channeled sessions.

  • Divine Mother
    The most loving, gentle, feminine energy that heals Inner Child woundedness from our experience of earthly parenting. She is always here for us if we ask.

  • Leon, the Lyran
    Leon is a humanoid-feline energy from the small constellation of stars known as Lyra or Vega. Leon assists me in working with pets and sometimes appears in sessions with humans.

To book a healing or channeled session with Joy, click here

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